The Impact of Digital Transformation on Organizational Performance in the Banking Sector in Egypt with Application on the Agricultural Bank of Egypt"

نوع المستند : الدراسات والبحوث التطبيقية.


1 معهد الدلتا العالي لنظم المعلومات الادارية والمحاسبية

2 المعهد العالى للعلوم الإدارية ــ ببلقاس


These research objectives aim to understand the interplay between digital transformation and organizational performance, as well as the potential influence of demographic factors such as gender, age, and educational qualifications on these constructs. In the research, reliance was placed on internal consistency validity to verify the accuracy of the measure. To assess the internal consistency validity of the scales (Digital Transformation, Organizational Performance), they were applied to a pilot sample of 50 respondents. Following the observation of the results, they were processed. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated between the factors and the total scale score, Reliability coefficients for the scales (Digital Transformation, Organizational Performance) were calculated using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient after that The researcher used an analytical descriptive strategy to test their hypotheses. The study's instrument, a questionnaire, was disseminated after being assessed and arbitrated by multiple experts on a sample. Participants in the study were random customers of ABE Bank in 3 branches in Mansoura the sample was (380) and (350) were retrieved with a percentage of Recovery equal to (92%). According to the study's findings, The findings could provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to improve their performance through digital transformation initiatives. Additionally, the study also suggested that, given their efficacious role in enhancing operational performance, banks should leverage the advantages of information technology and artificial intelligence approaches to the financial and organizational elements more.

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